Scott Whitney, a retired math and science teacher, portrays Lt. General Ulysses S Grant Grant, or President Grant. Peggy Whitney, elementary teacher, portrays Mrs. Julia Dent Grant.  Presentations given at schools, historical events, teas, and celebrations, are customized to fit your event and age group. Scott and Peggy appear together or separately, depending upon the event.


Scott Whitney and Peggy Whitney appearing as
Lt. General Ulysses S Grant and Julia Dent Grant

For more information or to schedule a skype appearance in the privacy of your own home, contact Scott Whitney, U.S. Grant interpreter at:
14592 Edwardsville Road
Winnebago, Illinois 61088
815-247-8702 or 815-566-0888
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Scott Whitney

  • Graduate Western Illinois University with B. S. in Physics - 1970
  • Retired High School math and physics teacher
  • Retired Multi-township Assessor
  • President of Seward Historical Society and Board Member of the Seward School Center
  • Live on family farm with wife, Peggy, and daughter, Stephanie, next door, near Seward, Illinois, where we raise corn, oats, soy beans, hay, a few cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, chickens, ducks, and, of course, horses.
  • Have performed as General and President Grant since 2000, appearing with horse Jack and/or wife, Peggy as Julia Dent Grant, at many events each year.  Have made hundreds of appearances in the last 20 years in Milwaukee, Chicago, Galena, Springfield, St. Louis, Columbus, Ohio, Gettysburg, P.A., and many places in between.
  • Member U S Grant Association, a group of Grant scholars and aficionados
  • U.S. Army reserves 1971-1977


Peggy Whitney 

  • Graduate Wisconsin State University – Whitewater and Northern Illinois University with Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction in Outdoor Education
  • Retired teacher, having taught Kindergarten, First, and Second Grades, Gifted Reading and Math Classes 1st- 5th
  • Began portraying Julia Dent Grant in 2001, with General and President Grant. Have appeared at schools, historical celebrations, living history events, and teas in Milwaukee, Chicago, Galena, Springfield, St. Louis, Midway Village, Rockford, as well as other places.
  • Gardener at Heart, host annual garden walk at our home
  • Portrayed Prairie Polly for school children
  • Active in Seward Historical Society, maintaining and restoring Seward museum and One-Room School, currently secretary and clerk
  • Township Historian
  • Member of Seward Congregational Church
  • Member U S Grant Association, a group of Grant scholars and aficionados